Grand Prix Team Scoreboards

Men | Women

Little Rock Roadrunners138303020182020
Spa Pacers123272416201818
Cabot Country Cruisers115242718161416
Arkansas Running Klub8718211412814
River Valley Runners78151512141210
Conway Running Club6521188108
Fun Arkansas Running Team491291612
Saline County Striders221210

Cabot Country Cruisers123272418181818
Little Rock Roadrunners1203030202020
Spa Pacers9524211020812
Western Arkansas Runners8218188141410
Arkansas Running Klub8291514161216
Saline County Striders53211616
Fun Arkansas Running Team5115121014
River Valley Runners39129126
Searcy Rush Running Club2727

The 16 best scores count towards a team’s year-end total.
An asterisk (*) indicates that a score is not one of the club’s 16 best races and is not counted in the team’s cumulative total.
Award winners listed in bold.