Grand Prix Team Scoreboards

Men | Women

Little Rock Roadrunners9830302018
Spa Pacers8727241620
Cabot Country Cruisers8524271816
Arkansas Running Klub6518211412
River Valley Runners5615151214
Conway Running Club4721188
Saline County Striders221210
Fun Arkansas Running Team21129

Cabot Country Cruisers8727241818
Little Rock Roadrunners80303020
Spa Pacers7524211020
Western Arkansas Runners581818814
Arkansas Running Klub549151416
Saline County Striders372116
River Valley Runners3312912
Fun Arkansas Running Team271512
Searcy Rush Running Club2727

The 16 best scores count towards a team’s year-end total.
An asterisk (*) indicates that a score is not one of the club’s 16 best races and is not counted in the team’s cumulative total.
Award winners listed in bold.