Bid Form:


    Early Pack Pick-upRace Morning

    Event Insurance and Certification

    Event History

    (Information on the US Safe Sport Act can be found here:

    Arkansas RRCA Grand Prix
    Was your race included in the 2022, 2023 or 2024 (on the schedule, even if it did not take place) Arkansas RRCA Grand Prix?

    How do you plan to address any feedback received from the Arkansas Grand Prix Committee (formerly the Long Distance Running Committee) or event participants?

    RRCA Championship Designation
    Do you plan to also apply to be an RRCA State Championship Race:

    (This is a separate process and designation from the Championship/Non-Championship designation for the Grand Prix. Information about the RRCA State Championship Race designation can be found on the RRCA Website: RRCA State Championship Race Designations)

    *All applications for the 2025 Arkansas RRCA State Championship Race designation must be received by November 1, 2024*

    Did you apply to be a 2025 RRCA National Championship Race:

    Did you apply to be a 2025 RRCA Regional Championship Race:

    **Bids for the 2025 RRCA Championship designation, at any level, is a separate bidding process, but can be done through the same link as above.**

    Race Director Information
    General Information
    Best form of communication:
    I have read the Arkansas RRCA Grand Prix Standards
    I will ensure that the listed race will comply with all Arkansas RRCA Grand Prix Standards
    I will ensure that all race fees associated with being selected to participate in the Arkansas RRCA Grand Prix Series will be submitted by the listed deadline, or I will be subject to the late fees listed in the bidding instructions.