Don't know how many of you guys are aware of this but Steven Preston has been trying to drum up enough signatures to get an official "runners" license plate for Arkansas.
To do this he needs a minimum of 300 signatures, and unfortunately has missed the time frame to do this, this year. But he's going to continue to try and get one starting next year.
The signatures he has so far, he'll be able to use for next year, and said he was about a 1/3 of the way to 300.
Anyway, if anyone is interested, let me know, I told him I would help with the CRC. So I have a copy of the petition.
According to the petition, unless circumstances beyond your control occur, your signing of the petition ensures that you will purchase at least one plate should he get enough signatures.
Basically... you sign, they make it, you buy it!!
Again, like I said, if you are interested, holler at me, and I will get the petition to ya.
I'll also try and be up at the early morning runs next week, and will bring it with me then.